Questions on Basics of  Electronics and Transducer

Questions on Basics of Electronics and Transducer

Diode and Diode Circuit

  • 1)     What do you mean by dc load line of a transistor? What is meant by Q point?
  • 2)     What is need of biasing a transistor?
  • 3)     Describe fixed biased, collector to base bias and voltage divider bias circuits with circuit diagram.
  • 4)     Draw and describe input and output characteristics of BJT? What is Early effect in BJT?
  • 5)     Differentiate between CB, CE and CC configurations.
  • 6)     Sketch the CE output characteristics and indicate the active, saturation and cut-off regions.
  • 7)     Explain BJT as a switch. Why CB and CC configurations are not preferred.
  • 8)     Explain input output characteristics of CE amplifier.
  • 9)     Explain working of transistor as a switch
  • 10) Explain how EX-OR gate can be used as an invertor.
  • 11) Draw and describe working of bridge rectifier and derive equations for VDC, VRMS, IDC & IRMS. Also draw input and output voltage waveforms.
  • 12)  Draw and describe working of full wave center tap rectifier and derive equations for VDC, VRMS, IDC,& IRMS, TUF, FF & rectification efficiency. Also draw input and output voltage waveforms
  • 13) Draw and describe construction, working of zener diode, tunnel diode, varactor diode.
  • 14)  Draw and describe circuit diagram of zener diode as a shunt voltage regulator.
  • 15)  Input=5VRMS, Diodes=silicon diodes, load resistor=2.2 KΩ, calculate, VDC, VRMS, IDC & IRMS, TUF, FF, & rectification efficiency.
  • 16) What is difference between tunnel diode and PN diode?
  • 17) What are different applications of varactor diode?
  • 18) Write PN diode current equation and describe reverse saturation current.
  • 19) Draw waveforms for output voltage, diode voltage, diode current and input voltage of bridge rectifier circuit. Assume silicon diodes.
  • 20) Design and draw Zener shunt regulator circuit to meet following specifications- VL=8V, Vin=30V, IL=50mA, Izmin=5mA, Pz=1 Watt. Calculate RLmin, RLmax, & R.
  • 21) Half wave rectifier has turns ratio 4:1 with input 240V, 50 Hz supply, Forward resistance of diode (RF)=10Ω, secondary resistance(RS)= 80Ω and load resistance (RL)=1KΩ. Calculate VDC, VRMS, IDC & IRMS and rectification efficiency.
  • 22) Full wave centre tapped rectifier has turns ratio 2:1 with input 230V, 50 Hz supply, Forward resistance of diode (RF)=1Ω, secondary resistance(RS)= 50Ω and load resistance (RL)=2KΩ. Calculate VDC, VRMS, IDC & IRMS and rectification efficiency.
  • 23) Bridge rectifier has turns ratio 4:1 with input 230V, 50 Hz supply, Forward resistance of diode (RF)=1Ω, secondary resistance(RS)= 40Ω and load resistance (RL)=3KΩ. Calculate VDC, VRMS, IDC & IRMS and rectification efficiency.
Question Bank on Basic Electronics
Question Bank on Basic Electronics

                                                             Digital Electronics

1)     Solve using Boolean laws, theorems,

            a. (AB)’+(A+B)’+AB’

            b. AC+C(A+A’B)

            c. AB+ABC+AB(E+F)

2)     Implement combinational logic for ExOR gate

3)     Implement 2:1 mux using NAND gates

4)     Implement following circuits using NOR gates         2:4 decoder, 2:1 Multiplexer

5)     Draw and describe SR latch using NAND gates

6)     Describe JK flip-flop using its state table

7)     What are advantages of JK master slave flip-flop? Describe racing in JK flip-flop?

8)     Design 2:4 decoder and describe operation.

9)     Draw and describe 4 bit asynchronous counter

10) Draw and describe 4 bit shift register in SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO modes. Also draw waveforms.

11) Describe single bit half adder and full adder.

12) Draw and explain full adder using two half adder with its truth table

13) Explain the operation of multiplexer and Demultiplexer.

14) Explain the UP/Down counter using J-K Flip Flop.

15) Design the Full adder logic gate using K-Map.

16) Explain and describe the K-Map.

17) Draw the schematic diagram & explain working of 4:1 mux and 1:4 demux.

18) Implement the following with minimum number of NAND gates.

i)                Y=AD+CB

ii)              Z=(A( ))

19        19)State and prove the de-Morgan’s theorem. Simplify the following Boolean expression:          20) Compare Microprocessor and Micro-Controller

21) Describe following Boolean laws with examples,

            a. Commutative law

            b. Associative law

            c. Distributive law

22) Describe with example, principle of duality.

23) What do you mean by combinational logic circuits? Explain examples.

24) What do you mean by sequential logic circuits? Explain examples.


1)     Define a transducer and sensor.

2)     Draw and describe block diagram of transducer.

3)     Classify transducers

4)     What are various selection criterions of transducer.

5)     Describe possible sources of error in parameter measurement.

6) Draw and describe construction, transduction principle and working of LVDT, Ultrasonic transducer.

7)     What is operating principle of flow measurement?

8)     Draw and describe construction working and types of strain gauge.

9)     Draw and describe block diagram of load cell.

10) What are different types of temperature transducer? Describe RTD and thermocouple in detail with diagrams.

11) Describe with diagram construction and working of elastic transducer.

12) Draw block diagram of digital thermometer and describe working.

13) Draw block diagram of weighing machine and describe operation.

14) Describe specifications, test conditions and operating conditions of transducer.

15)Draw and explain block diagram of instrumentation system.

            16)Explain the Ultrasonic transducer with details.

            17)Write short note of: Load cell, Flow measurement and Temperature transducer.

            18)What do you mean by Electroluminescence? Describe with figure.


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