Steps to find UGC Scopus and web of Science Journal list

Steps to find UGC Scopus and web of Science Journal list

UGC Journal list:-

Union Grants Commission's(UGC) Approved List of Journals:-

As per the UGC guidelines, the UGC Approved List of Journals has been replaced by UGC-CARElist w.e.f. 14.06.2019

UGC-CARE: Union Grants Commission's(UGC) for Consortium for Academic Research and Ethics (CARE) 
The UGC-CARE List is dynamic and number  of journal is changing time to time. If any good quality journal is missing, it may be submitted  and updated by the prescribed process and if any undeserved journal is found anywhere in the List, it may kindly be reported through feedback option and removed from the list by the prescribed process.

Union Grants Commission's(UGC) for Consortium for Academic Research and Ethics (CARE) List is divided into category i) Sciences ii) Social Sciences iii) Arts and Humanities and iv) Multidisciplinary

1.UGC-CARE journal list: By clicking below you have to register first with your email id and set a password.

2.List of Journals indexed in Web of Science

3.List of Journals Scopus indexed (Elsevier)

Also Read:-

UGC, Scopus, web of Science Journal list
Steps to find UGC Scopus and web of Science Journal list


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