How to publish paper in good Journal? Report Format
Sunday, April 19, 2020
1.How to publish research paper in good Journal?
2.UGC Journal ,WoS indexed and Scopus Indexed Journal list
3.For SY ECE, MIT SOE,Mini Project-II, Report Format
4.As per the project meeting held on 19/04/2020, in place of Presentation-III you all have to do:-
⇒All SY ECE project group member whose status of project report is pending or No update, please call your respective guide immediately and complete it by 20th May 2020.2.UGC Journal ,WoS indexed and Scopus Indexed Journal list
3.For SY ECE, MIT SOE,Mini Project-II, Report Format
4.As per the project meeting held on 19/04/2020, in place of Presentation-III you all have to do:-
1.Prepare project report
2.Publish a paper in good journal
⇒All SY ECE project group member whose status of paper publication is pending , No update or In process, please call your respective guide immediately and complete it by 25th May 2020.Try to publish your paper in free journal or UGC approved journal till 25th May 2020.
5.As per the project meeting with all guide held on 22/05/2020, all SY ECE project group member have to upload following documents till 28/05/2020.One member of each group should upload following documents after approval of their respective Guide as a submission of Mini Project -II,Sem-II A.Y-2019-20.
1.Final project report
2.Final Power point presentation
3.Published paper
4.Certificate of the publication
Click here to Submit above Details
3.Published paper
4.Certificate of the publication
Click here to Submit above Details
All the SY ECE students please note the following regarding Mini project Submission , Sem-II, AY 2019-20:
As per the final mini project presentation(MP-II) held on 13/06/2020 and 14/06/2020 , all SY ECE project group member have to upload following documents till 15/06/2020 ,as a submission of Mini Project -II.One member of each group should upload following updated documents after approval of their respective Guide.
1.Updated Video presentation
2.One page ppt slide instructed
3. Updated Final project report
4.Updated Final Power Point presentation
All the students consult immediately to your mini project guides, and complete the submission.Final marks will be assigned after uploading above documents.
As per the final mini project presentation(MP-II) held on 13/06/2020 and 14/06/2020 , all SY ECE project group member have to upload following documents till 15/06/2020 ,as a submission of Mini Project -II.One member of each group should upload following updated documents after approval of their respective Guide.
1.Updated Video presentation
2.One page ppt slide instructed
3. Updated Final project report
4.Updated Final Power Point presentation
All the students consult immediately to your mini project guides, and complete the submission.Final marks will be assigned after uploading above documents.